Last wikend (24th May) with hati yg berkobar kobar n very xcited.. I drove my 3series car to Gombak to meet my “long times no see” friend, Zambry (xco Badar Maresmart 01/02)… Seri Gombak…a very new place for me..susah gile to find his house even I used my GPS Navigator..2-3 x masuk salah lorong…With a hand phone in my hand, listened to instruction gave by Zam… he told me to masuk dis lorong… then suddenly he said “STOP..STOP..aku dh nampak ko Dayat..GOSTAN..GOSTAN..”
With out realized a car parked at the side of the road…I pon relax aje laa gostan…
BANG!!! Krriiirrrghhh… ALAMAK!!!! Kete…
I banged a Honda Civic 70’s… I broke the signal light cover and scratch his car (bout 20 cm)… My car… 50cm scratch with pecah bumper.. Aduuiiii…
Worse come worse coz it happened rite in front of the owner of dat car..wawawawwa…
Trus..dat Pak Cik attacked me…after puas been scolded by dat Pak Cik.. he want me to estimate the cost for compesation.. I cakap I not really good in estimating price.. then I agak2 laa.. I said “RM 300 rasanya dh ok”…again dat PakCik cursed me…Hadoih!!!
He asked me to pay RM1000..aku dah cuak crazy pig.. Luckily, dgn cepat Zam dtang n settlekan.. at last I just paid to dat PakCik RM500…What a tragedy…Penin2..
Finished dat story…then Zam n I continued our program... to attend Nadia Pink wedding reception…her house not la really jauh from Zam’s house… Kampung Nakhoda (area kuat Ajaran Qadiani)… very crowded..Ramai bangat org ke reception Pink Nadia.. Took pengantin punya Pics…(tak sangke Ouda (507) jd penyepit pengantin)..
Plan nak balik olidy..then another “long times no see” friend datang with his Zaujah… ANA AIMAN… best fren at Maresmart… 1st time I saw his wife live…cun n very romantic..huhu… then balik dgn heppy…huhu…
PakSu Joe: Yesterday I send my car to be re-paint.. today siap..Cun melecun as nothing ever happen before…yelah.. RM200 terbang..huhu..Ape2 pon..Alhamdulillah…